DAY purposes his music to reach the youth of our culture with the power of the Gospel—D.A.Y. (Deliverance Among Youth), founded by DAY, is also a non-profit organization whose aim is to do just that. Born and raised in the city of Danbury, Connecticut, DAY began writing lyrics and producing music at a young age. At 21 years old, having packed up all of his belongings, he set on a cross-country journey which led him to Los Angeles, CA where he was connected to—and began to partner with—the ministry of Bishop Clarence E. McClendon (serving in both the Music and Youth departments at Full Harvest International Church). DAY eventually would record a demo in L.A. with a Roc Nation music producer that began to open doors to opportunities and place him before some of Hip Hop's legends—yet the divine call on his life had a stronger pull. But not without tribulation.
In April of 2008, DAY was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer and endured 8 months undergoing aggressive chemotherapy treatments to rid his body of golf ball-sized tumors throughout his neck and chest. What couldn't kill him would only make him stronger!
The disease evoked greater faith and even more so ignited his passion to proclaim the
Gospel through his music. U Made Me Better (written immediately following the ill-fated diagnosis), is a testimonial declaration of praise, thanking God in advance for what DAY knew would come to pass—total restoration of his body! As the expansion of his music outreach continued to increase—in 2013, DAY was eventually declared “medically cured” and began to capture the attention of secular media having been featured in Birthplace Magazine, SoJones.com, and, most notably, gracing the cover of HYPE Magazine!
As his music unequivocally bridges the gospel to the secular music industry, DAY has performed at notable venues throughout the Los Angeles and Tri-state areas, including the Knitting Factory and Webster Hall in Manhattan. His performances in prominent events include McDonald’s Gospel Fest (Newark, NJ), Higher Calling (Brooklyn, NY), RapFest (Bronx, NY), and GraceFest (Palmdale, CA). Additionally, DAY has not only shared the stage with a plethora of Christian Hip Hop heavyweights but also some of Gospel music’s most beloved artists.
Official Lyric Video
Official Music Video
Official Music Video
Official Music Video
Official Music Video
Official Music Video

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(Reaching the Youth of Our Culture with the Power of the Gospel).